The Company
Our takeover of Personal Finance and Tax Breaks from Moneyweb in March 2019, carries a long and rich history…
Our Story
For the past 40 years, subscribers to Personal Finance and Tax Breaks have relied upon these two publications to help them gain insight into their financial future, and also benefit from useful tax-saving tips for individuals and companies. Founded in the early 1980’s, these publications gained popularity through their carefully chosen, synergistic, and well-balanced articles. We are also gaining momentum through our on-line offerings and soon to be introduced research capabilities.
Individual subscribers receive help on how to manage money, invest wisely, make use of latest tax information, minimise tax bills, gain financial independence and build wealth.
Finance and Tax professional subscribers benefit from the latest updated information chosen from hand-picked subject matter that is both topical and relevant.
Our Values
Our company is grounded in the 7 Values that we believe identifies who we are, what we do, and how we operate.

Our stakeholders strive to support our ability to continuously improve our service to subscribers. In return, we promote mutually beneficial relationships based on fairness,
honesty and integrity.

We are committed to sustainable business practices. Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSI) program focuses on care for the environment, and support for communities that we serve.

Our magazines aim to provide sound, independently sourced Finance and Tax articles that are informative, accurate, and value-adding.

Our people’s needs, desires, aspirations and safety are at the top of any agenda.
We recognise talent, provide ongoing
training and develop leaders at every level.

Our valued subscribers are the reason for our existence. Subscribers benefit from the latest
updated information chosen from hand-picked subject matter that is both topical and relevant.

We adhere to sound business ethics and hold ourselves responsible for the highest possible standards of compliance and risk.

At Bellan Media our attitude is one of sustained profitable growth through informed
decision making and healthy partnerships.
The Nyansapo, or ‘knot of wisdom’, is a revered symbol of the Akan people of West Africa.
It represents wisdom, ingenuity, intelligence, and patience – values that we at Bellan Media strive to live up to. This Adinkra symbol conveys the idea that “a wise person has the capacity to choose the best means to attain a goal.
This symbol, on which our logo is based, also resembles a reef knot. A prominent feature of the logo of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement, it symbolises a bond between fellow Scouts. As the first knot that is learnt when a youngster joins the Scouting movement, it is regarded as one of the strongest knots under strain – provided that both ropes are of the same type and size. The two ropes being of equal strength is an analogy for shared values and collective wisdom.
The allegory of the ‘reef knot’ represents the binding of relevant knowledge taken from oceans of information – in this case, our strong lines of financial and tax expertise. Drawing on the collective wisdom of experts in the fields of investment, wealth creation, money management, tax planning, and other areas of personal financial management, our two magazines (Personal Finance and Tax Breaks) present this to our subscribers in a way that is accessible, informative, and beneficial.
Our aim is to do this with integrity and diligence, while striving to live up to the values enshrined in our revered symbol, walking faithfully in the footsteps of those who came before us, drawing from their collective wisdom, and passing it on to others.

Personal Finance and Tax Breaks present this to our subscribers in a way that is accessible, informative, and beneficial.
Our aim is to do this with integrity and diligence, while striving to live up to the values enshrined in our revered symbol, walking faithfully in the footsteps of those who came before us, drawing from their collective wisdom, and passing it on to others.

PERSONAL FINANCE is South Africa’s leading monthly investment strategy magazine aimed at individuals who are serious about saving money, securing their financial future, building wealth, and preserving it for future generations.
TAX BREAKS draws from the collective wisdom of the country’s leading tax experts, helping subscribers minimise their tax bills, understand their compliance obligations, structure their affairs in a tax-efficient manner, interact with SARS, and be kept on all the latest tax issues.
- We empower you with information that will help you enhance your financial future, savings, investments, and retirement planning through our Personal Finance publication.
- We continue saving you tax by keeping you up to date with the latest developments in the South African tax landscape and provide updated information from SARS through our Tax Breaks publications.
- Combined, Personal Finance and Tax Breaks make a powerful duo to satisfy both your financial and tax information needs.